Tuesday, July 28, 2015

Weekend Fun and a Bump Update

We had a pretty low-key weekend, though it was productive (for the first time in several weeks!). Saturday, one of my teammates from AmeriCorps, Leah, was in town with her husband Matt. They came into KC for the Royals game so we took them to a famous BBQ restaurant, Arthur Bryant's. It was the first time Jason and I had been there, and it was pretty tasty.  It was so crazy to see Leah after more than 11 years, especially because she looks exactly the same! Her husband was so great, and it was awesome to see her so happy. 

Saturday night, I was not feeling great so we had a night in, complete with a high class dinner (thank you McDonald's) and Netflix. I haven't had any crazy cravings, though I do love fries and pickles more than usual! 

This weekend was also a big deal in that I finally "popped" and now definitely look pregnant. It must have started last week, and on Friday, I got my first unsolicited congratulations from a trainer at the gym. It is fun to start to feel pregnant and see some obvious signs of Little Peanut. I'm trying to enjoy it while I can because I keep hearing I'll be miserable at some point (though I'm hoping I can be the exception to that!)

On Sunday, Jas went to the Royals game and I decided to start to tackle my part of the to-do list. I cleaned out three closets, and my dresser (I still have Jason's dresser and the closet in the nursery). It took way longer than I expected, but it was nice to finally cross something off of the do list. And I threw a lot away and we have two large trash bags of clothes to donate so it was obviously something that needed to be done! We still have workers at our house finishing the paint job and repairing our back deck, but they are scheduled to be finished sometime this week and I'm hoping we can keep the momentum going inside the house as well! 

Today marks the beginning of the second trimester! I can't believe it's already been more than 3 months. I am so grateful to be feeling so good and I have really enjoyed being pregnant. Jas has been even more amazing than normal - continuing as my own personal chef, but taking on additional cleaning duties as well. He dotes on me and I am sure he will do the same thing for Peanut! 

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