Wednesday, March 9, 2016

6 Weeks of Fun

Again, I have had the best of intentions to update the blog regularly and post weekly pictures...but alas, baby poop, sleep deprivation and loads of laundry continue to consume my days. Not that I'm complaining - I have genuinely loved every sticky, sleepy minute of my time with Hadley. She was six weeks old last Friday and I am sad to think that my leave is more than halfway over. I can't think too long of returning to work without crying, and that's too dramatic when running on caffeine, so I'll keep this post more uplifting.

We have had a fun couple of weeks as we continue to adjust to our new, busy lives as a family of three. My little sister Celeste came into town to visit and Aunt C was a lifesaver! She was so great with Hadley and was a huge help around the house. She even took night duty and allowed me and Jason to get a full night of rest. And, of course, the night Celeste watched the baby Hadley slept in solid four-hour chunks (Mama doesn't get that regularly yet!) During her visit, Jason and I enjoyed our first night out together since the baby was born. I may or may not have cried and drowned my sorrows in a large glass of wine and an overly priced fruity cocktail. It was hard to leave, but I knew Hadley was in good hands and Jason and I enjoyed an overdue date night. We had a really good time with Celeste and I know she loved spending time with all her KC based nieces. I was curious to see whether her visit would lead to a bout of baby fever, but I have it on good authority that she is completely content in her role as Favorite Aunt least for the next few years it seems!

After Celeste's visit, we enjoyed a few days of relaxation before gearing up for our next visitor. My best friend, and Hadley's godmother, Robyn came into town for the weekend and we had such a wonderful time. I was able to enjoy a few afternoons out without the baby and, while I missed her like crazy, I enjoyed some much needed girl time and adult conversation (made better by the guilt free glass of wine I'm able to enjoy since I am no longer breast feeding). Robyn made several homemade gifts for Hadley, including a baby blanket and crocheted Tinkerbell doll. She also took night duty and I got another full night of sleep. I swear, there is no greater gift for a new parent! Robyn was so sweet with the baby and I am so excited to watch her relationship with Hadley develop through the years.

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