Friday, May 26, 2017

Mothers Day and Other Happenings

What a busy month it has been! With Jas traveling and work being crazy for me, I haven't had time to do much past laundry. I will try to recap the past few weeks here.

I was thrilled to celebrate my second mother's day. It's still hard to believe some days that I am a mom! Jas was sweet and let me have a day just like I wanted. He bought me a beautiful necklace and I had a great time with my girl.

Hadley is continuing to have fun in school and I love seeing pictures of her throughout the day. She is always learning new skills and we are surprised by the things she will do now. She cleans her plate, likes closing doors, and turning off lights. She continues to use sign language and that has been very helpful since she has only a few words. She signs more, please, all done, stop, and mine. Her favorites are more and mine!

She is still a great sleeper, averaging 12 hours overnight and still two naps on the weekend. As is evidenced by her awesome bedhead:

Not a great post, but I'll try to be better moving forward!

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