We have been home from Atlanta for a couple of weeks and we have struggled since getting back. The day after we got home, Hadley started in the toddler classroom at a new campus - Innovation Kids. This transition has been very difficult. On top of a new center, new classroom, longer commute and new teachers - she has an entirely different schedule that only includes one nap. This is proving to be a challenge for our little sleeper. For the first week, Hadley sobbed each time I dropped her off and was usually crying when I picked her up (the teachers assured me she did not in fact cry all day and I'm choosing to believe them).
Hadley's First Day in the Wallaby Classroom...This face pretty much says it all |
At the end of her first week, we went to see Dr. Brown for her one year check up and shots. I can't believe it's been a year, and she has definitely grown! She is almost 29 inches long, weighs almost 22 lbs and that big ol head of hers is still in the 99th percentile. Just look at those rolls (this picture is proof she still doesn't understand the words "time for your shots.")
Over the weekend, Tina and Justin were battling the flu so we took the girls for the day. It was exhausting, but so much fun. By the end of the day though Jas was swearing we are "one and done!"
On top of all the recent changes, Hadley has also been introduced to a whole new set of germs! She is currently battling the stomach flu and it has been....disgusting. We called the doctor on Friday who told us to bring her in tomorrow if she had not gotten better and I'm afraid that is where we are heading. She is managing to keep very small amounts of liquid down but she has not eaten in two days and she is very lethargic, fussy and listless. I'm hoping she's on the mend soon because I miss my sweet baby!
This week is another busy one for Jason and I, and he is about to start traveling again. Prayers that our little lady feels better soon and we continue to make adjustments to our new schedule so we are all a little less cranky!
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