It's time for Hadley to move up to a new classroom at Cerner Kids. She will be moving from a Tiny Turtle to a Little Lamb! I can't believe it's already time for her to be in the older infant classroom. I was hoping she'd stay a turtle forever!
Today, we had our first parent teacher conference. The teachers created a portfolio for Hadley that is full of pictures and milestones that she has achieved. It's so neat to see her growth through the lives of someone else. Her current teachers - Angie and Bailey - are so sad to see her go and Angie keeps saying "you don't have to move her, we'll keep her forever!" The new teachers - Sam and Meaghan - are also excited to get Hadley and I'm looking forward to the structure that the Little Lambs room provides. I know Hadley will do great and I hope her sweet nature helps her to adjust quickly and continue making great progress.

This week has been interesting at the Whittaker house. Jason is traveling for the first time since Hadley was born so it's been a lot of quality time with my favorite girl. I was nervous before he left, but the week has gone very smoothly and we have both done very well. Very little tears from either of us, so I consider it a success! I've used this week as a time to start putting Hadley down at night when she's still awake and having her soothe herself to sleep. It may be because of the changes at school, but she is very tired and has been going to sleep easily and without fussing. We will see if that lasts!

Gracen isn't quite sure what to do with Hadley now that she is mobile. Most of the time, Gracen tries to play with her until she realizes that Hadley isn't interested. Hadley is on the move and starting to get into everything. She only scoots backwards and in circles so it's pretty funny to watch her. She keeps getting stuck under every piece of furniture and she thinks it's hilarious every single time!